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Take the first step to build your church website. We will do the rest.

Need to Find a Church Website Builder?
When you Choose Webezoid to build your church website

You help support our mission in Puerto Rico

Families Live Below Poverty
0 %
Abandoned Schools
0 +
Addiction Treatment Centers
< 0

Our mission is to create fresh and modern web solutions for churches, not-for-profit organizations, and ministries. As we’ve searched and viewed different church websites, we’ve discovered a huge need. Churches need a church websites and/or update their current church website. In fact, pastors are Googling how to find a church website builder everyday. After praying and seeking the Lord, we knew the Lord was creating an opportunity to serve local churches while funding the mission He has given us! We need support. You need a church website builder. Why not partner together? Our passion is to give HOPE to families living in addiction, abuse, and poverty. That’s why 100% of the profits of each race go to support the A Puerto Rican Dream Mission.

Church Website Builder


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