Church website builder

4 Ways to Boost Recurring Church Giving

jesus, christ, god

Church giving is vital and required to keep a church in place. As the leader of your ministry, you know how it is not easy to increase church giving. Without sufficient financial support from members of your congregation, a lot of activities become impracticable to perform. A lot of the Church’s system depends on church giving from covering building utilities, paying staff members, donating to charity to continuing outreach efforts.

The world has changed and so have giving habits. The reality is that donation boxes and passing around a collection plate have become antiquated and modern methods need to be introduced. If you want to increase church giving, you need to make it easy for people to contribute. Making giving as easy and convenient as possible increases the likelihood of people doing it.

Expand church giving online through website and mobile

Church Giving Online

A website that has online giving capabilities is essential. Statistics have shown that:

  • Recurring givers contribute 42% more than one-time givers.
  • 25% of givers make their donations on mobile devices.
  • 49% of church-giving transactions are made with a credit card.
  • 67% of giving happens on days other than Sunday.

Having a website not only makes it more convenient for church giving online but can help boost your church as well. Not only does it become easier for members to give, but it also allows for greater flexibility with regard to when they can give. Creating an church giving page for giving or launching a church giving app are easy alternatives for people to use. The other big advantage to having an online platform is the ability to set up recurring donations. Many people appreciate it when they’re given an autopay option, such as PayPal or GoFundMe. It’s more convenient than having to remember to give.

Transparency about Funds

It helps to be transparent about how you use funds. When people understand where their funds are being utilized, they feel more comfortable giving, and trust is built between the church and the people.

Showing people that their donations are truly making a difference can make them encouraged and inspired to give more.

Being Thankful

Church Giving Page

Being thankful helps display your gratitude and makes people feel valued. When you thank members for their contribution each time they give, they’re more likely to give again. Positive reception goes a far way and touches people’s hearts. Consider thanking givers in your church publicly during your service.

Share Stories of Your Church’s Achievements

Sharing your achievements and progress helps people understand how their contributions are improving the lives of others. The community can understand the impact their church-giving makes. You can ask people who you have helped to share their stories or give testimonials.

Having adequate financial support for your church is a major part of ensuring that you’re able to fulfill your mission, encourage members to grow spiritually, and help the community in which your local church resides. Understanding the people and helping make each other’s lives easier creates a bond that cannot be broken.

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